Symposium takes conflict of interest issues very seriously. In the interest of transparency to the scholarly community, we here present our conflict of interest policy:
— Core members of the Editorial Collective will not submit their work to the journal and will not be nominated for the book award. They can, however, contribute to special sections edited by guest editors not affiliated with the Symposium editorial team.
— Area Editors will not submit their work to the journal. They can be nominated for the book award and contribute to special sections edited by guest editors not affiliated with the Symposium editorial team.
— Members of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy can submit articles to Symposium but cannot be nominated for the book award.
— Members of the Advisory Board can, and are encouraged to, submit their work to the journal and for the book award.
The annual Symposium book award is adjudicated by the Core members of the Editorial Collective and the Members of the Executive Committee.